選曲家/作曲家/作詞家/執筆家/ラジオDJ。 |
KYOTO JAZZ MASSIVE名義でリリースした「ECLIPSE」は、英国国営放送BBCラジオZUBBチャートで3週連続No.1の座を日本人として初めて射止めた。 |
これまでDJ/アーティストとして世界40ヶ国140都市に招聘されただけでなく、CNNやBILLBOARD等でも取り上げられた本当の意味で世界標準をクリアできる数少ない日本人音楽家の一人。 |
音楽で空間の価値を変える"サウンド・ブランディング"の第一人者として、映画館、ホテル、銀行、空港、レストラン、インテリア・ショップ等の音楽プロデュースも手掛けている。 |
2009年にはインテンショナリーズが設計したユナイテッド・シネマ豊洲の音楽監修でGOOD DESIGN賞を受賞。 |
2015年、ジャズ・プロジェクトKYOTO JAZZ SEXTETを始動。 |
ファースト・アルバムをブルー・ノートよりリリース。 |
2016年1月にPop Up専門の書店、Jazzy Booksを設立。 |
2017年6月、KYOTO JAZZ SEXETのセカンド・アルバム『UNITY』を発表。 |
同年フジ・ロック・フェスティバル〜Field Of Hevenステージにも出演。 |
2018年7月にはDJとして名門モントルー・ジャズ・フェスティバルにも出演を果たした。 |
2019年には店内音楽の選曲を担当した代々木上原のレストランSioが、ミシュランの一つ星を獲得している。 |
著書に『DJ 選曲術』や『クラブ・ジャズ入門』、自伝『職業、DJ、25年』等がある。 |
現在、有線放送内I-12チャンネルにて"沖野修也 presents Music in The Room"を監修中。 |
World Wide FM〜WWKyoto(毎月第二月曜放送)レギュラー。 |
GQ Japanオフィシャル・ブロガー。 |
2020年12月23日に渋谷ストリーム1FにオープンしたThe Room COFFEE & BARのクリエイティヴ・ディレクターでもある。 |
Since forming "KYOTO JAZZ MASSIVE" as a DJ unit in the beginning of 90's, they have built up the Crossover/Jazz Music scene in Japan, and have successful careers overseas. |
In 2000 KYOTO JAZZ MASSIVE signed to COMPOST RECORDS in Germany and released their first single "ECLIPSE /SILENT MESSENGER" from the label. After it’s release, the track made number one in the BBC RADIO ONE ZUBB CHART and was highly acclaimed worldwide. In the same year, they released their second single "SUBSTREAM" which was also met with praise. |
In 2002 they released their much awaited first album "SPIRIT OF THE SUN" worldwide. The album was a success and is still today one of the most inspirational works to many DJs in the Crossover/Jazz scene. |
In 2006 Shuya Okino released his first solo album "UNITED LEGENDS". He invited ten vocalists and ten producers to contribute to the album for which he composed all tracks. This album is remarkable as it was made by only communicating using Email, this unprecedented technique of making music has made it of special interest to the music scene. |
One of his most important works as a music selector is a compilation CD for the stylish design hotel "CLASKA" in Meguro, Tokyo. |
Another side of Shuya Okino’s career is as a music writer. He has written a book and is currently working on another on the subject of DJing in the Club Jazz scene. His first book was published in 2005 and is in it’s fourth published edition. |
Shuya Okino appeared on iTunes CELEBRITY PLAYLIST and was the first Japanese artist ever to achieve this. He has also selected music for NIKE+iPod and recently produced music for RISONA BANK in TOKYO MID TOWN, Tokyo. |
As a DJ, Shuya Okino regularly tours Japan and worldwide. He has played a number of times throughout Europe and America. DJing at THE JAZZ CAFE and NOTTINGHILL ART’S CLUB, London, A.P.T, New York, SOUTHPORT WEEKENDER JAZZ FESTIVAL, FUTURE JAZZ FESTIVAL, Croatia to name a few. |
Shuya Okino continues to be an important figure in the Crossover/Jazz scene worldwide and his work is influential and inspirational to many members of the club music world. |